Year 3 - February

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Year 3, February - Paul

Year 3, February 1, Paul Visits JamesActs 21:15-20


Who went with Paul from Caesarea?

In Jerusalem, whose house did they lodge in?

What did Paul tell James and the other elders?

What did the elders do when they heard Paul’s report?

Year 3, February 2, Paul ArrestedActs 21:27-36


Who stirred up the crowd in the temple?

Who did they say Paul brought into the temple against the law?

Who came to stop Paul being killed?

Who carried Paul out of the mob?

Year 3, February 3, Paul ArrestedActs 21:37-40


What language did Paul speak to the tribune in?

Who did the tribune think Paul was?

What did the tribune give him permission to do?

What language did Paul speak to the crowd in?

Year 3, February 4, Paul's StoryActs 22:1-11


What made the crowd quieter?

Who educated Paul to be a strict Jew?

Where did Paul go to persecute followers of “The Way”?

Who spoke to him when the light blinded him on the road?

Year 3, February 5, Paul's StoryActs 22:12-21


Who said, “Brother Saul, receive your sight”?

Why did Paul need to be baptised?

Which Christian martyr did Paul watch being killed?

Where did Jesus say he would send Paul?

Year 3, February 6, Paul And The Roman TribuneActs 22:22-30


What did the crowd do when Paul said the Lord sent him to the Gentiles?

What were the soldiers going to do to Paul?

What was illegal about that?

Why did the tribune order the chief priests and council to meet with Paul?

Year 3, February 7, Paul Before The CouncilActs 23:1-5


Who ordered Paul to be struck on the mouth?

What did Paul call him?

What did Paul not know about Ananias?

What did Paul apologise for?

Year 3, February 8, Paul Before The CouncilActs 23:6-11


What two parties made up this council?

What did Pharisees believe that Sadducees didn’t believe?

What was the tribune afraid of?

What did the Lord say to Paul that night?

Year 3, February 9, Plot To Kill PaulActs 23:12-22


What oath did more than forty Jews take?

What were the chief priests and elders going to do?

Who told the tribune about the ambush?

What did the tribune tell the young man?

Year 3, February 10, Paul And Governor FelixActs 23:23-30


How many soldiers, horsemen and spearmen went to Caesarea?

What time of the night did they leave?

What were the names of the tribune and the governor?

Why did Claudius Lysias rescue Paul?

Year 3, February 11, Paul And Governor FelixActs 23:31-35


Where did the soldiers take Paul that night?

Who took Paul to Caesarea?

What province was Paul from?

Where was Paul guarded?

Year 3, February 12, Paul And Governor FelixActs 24:1-2,22-23


Who was the spokesman who came with Ananias the High Priest?

What was the governor?

What sort of knowledge of the Way did Felix have?

Was Paul allowed to see his friends?

Year 3, February 13, Paul And Governor FelixActs 24:24-27


What nationality was Drusilla, Felix’s wife?

How long did Felix keep Paul under guard?

Who succeeded him as governor?

Why did Felix leave Paul in prison?

Year 3, February 14, Paul Appeals To CaesarActs 25:1-7


Where did the new governor Festus go from Caesarea?

What did the Jewish leaders want?

Where did Festus say Paul was to stay?

When did they all go back to Caesarea?

Year 3, February 15, Paul Appeals To CaesarActs 25:8-12


Who argued in his own defence?

What did Festus ask Paul?

Who did Paul appeal to as a Roman citizen?

How did Festus answer Paul?

Year 3, February 16, Paul Before Agrippa And BerniceActs 25:13,23-27


Who came to visit Festus?

Who came with Agrippa and Bernice into the audience hall?

What did Festus say the Jews shouted to him?

What did Festus not have to send to the emperor with Paul?

Year 3, February 17, Paul's Defence Before AgrippaActs 26:1-3,24-32


Why did Paul say he felt fortunate? Verse 3

What did Festus think was wrong with Paul? Verse 24

What did Paul want for King Agrippa and everyone who heard him?

What did Agrippa say to Festus?

Year 3, February 18, Paul Sails For RomeActs 27:1-6


Who went with Paul as his doctor? Acts 1:1, Luke:1:1-4

Who also went? Verse 2

Who was the centurion in charge of Paul?

Where did the centurion find a ship sailing for Italy?

Year 3, February 19, Paul Sails For RomeActs 27:7-12


What port near the city of Lasea did they come to?

Was the journey safe at this time of year?

What did Paul advise the centurion?

Who did the centurion listen to?

What harbour did they want to reach?

Year 3, February 20, Storm At SeaActs 27:13-20


What made them decide to go on with their journey?

What was the name of the wind that hit them?

What did they do with the cargo to lighten the ship?

What did they give up hope of?

Year 3, February 21, Storm At SeaActs 27:21-32


What hope did Paul give them?

Who spoke to Paul in the night?

Which sea were they being driven across?

Who tried to save themselves in the ship’s boat?

Year 3, February 22, Storm At SeaActs 27:33-38


When did Paul urge them to eat some food?

What did Paul do before he ate?

How many persons were on the ship?

What did they throw into the sea?

Year 3, February 23, The ShipwreckActs 27:39-44


Did they know where they were?

Where did they try to run the ship?

What did the centurion stop the soldiers doing?

How did they all get to shore?

Year 3, February 24, Paul On MaltaActs 28:1-6


What was the island called?

How did the native people show kindness?

What did they think when Paul was bitten by the viper?

What did they say when he didn’t die?

Year 3, February 25, Paul On MaltaActs 28:7-10


Who was the chief man of the island?

What was wrong with his father?

Who else did Paul heal?

How did the people respond? Verse 10

Year 3, February 26, Paul Arrives At RomeActs 28:11-16


What figurehead did the ship of Alexandria have?

How long did they stay at Puteoli?

Who came to the Forum of Appius and Three Taverns to meet the travellers?

What was Paul allowed to do in Rome?

Year 3, February 27, Paul In RomeActs 28:17-22


Who did Paul call together?

How did he explain what brought him to Rome?

Had the local Jews had letters about Paul?

What did they want to hear more about?

Year 3, February 28, Paul In RomeActs 28:23-31


How many people came to hear Paul?

What did Paul use to try to convince them about Jesus?

Which prophet did Paul quote?

When the Jews rejected the gospel, who did Paul say would listen?

Year 3 - February 29