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Template:WhosWho:Today's Readings/June 17, 2024



Year 1, January - Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, Job

Year 1, January 1, AdamGenesis 1:26-31


What did God decide to make?

What was man to rule over?

What did God give man and animals to eat?

Which day of creation was this?

Year 1, January 2, AdamGenesis 2:1-9


What did God do on the seventh day?

What did God use to form man?

What garden did God plant in the east?

Who was the garden for?

Year 1, January 3, AdamGenesis 2:10-17


The river through Eden became four rivers. Name them.

What was man to do in the garden?

Which tree was man not to eat the fruit of?

What would happen if he did eat of it?

Year 1, January 4, EveGenesis 2:18-25


What did God bring to the man to give names to?

Were any of them a suitable helper for him?

How did God make a woman from the man?

What was important about how they were dressed?

Year 1, January 5, Adam and EveGenesis 3:1-7


Which creature was more crafty than all the others?

Who did he speak to?

What did he say would not happen to them?

What did the man and woman do as soon as they ate the fruit?

Year 1, January 6, Adam and EveGenesis 3:8-13


Why did the man and woman hide?

Why did the man say they were hiding from God?

Who did he blame for his sin?

Who did the woman blame?

Year 1, January 7, Adam and EveGenesis 3:14-19


Name one of the curses God put on the serpent.

What would happen to the woman now in childbearing?

How did God curse the ground?

Where did man come from and go to?

Year 1, January 8, Adam and EveGenesis 3:20-24


What did Adam call his wife?

What did God make their clothes out of?

Where were they expelled from?

What guarded the way to the tree of life?

Year 1, January 9, Cain and AbelGenesis 4:1-7


What work did Abel do?

What work did Cain do?

Whose offering did the Lord accept?

What did the Lord tell Cain was crouching at the door?

Year 1, January 10, Cain and AbelGenesis 4:8-16


What did the Lord ask Cain after he killed Abel?

What answer did Cain give the Lord?

What two curses did the Lord put on Cain?

Where did Cain settle?

Year 1, January 11, Cain's FamilyGenesis 4:17-24


What name did Cain give to both his son and the city he built?

Who was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock?

Who forged instruments of bronze and iron?

Who killed a man for wounding him?

Year 1, January 12, SethGenesis 4:25-26,5:1-5


What did Adam and Eve call their next son?

Who was born when men began to call on the name of the Lord?

How old was Adam when Seth was born?

How many years did Adam live?

Year 1, January 13, Seth to EnochGenesis 5:6-20


How old was Seth when he died?

When did Enosh father Kenan?

When Mahalel was 65, who did he father?

Who did Jared father when he was 162 years old?

Year 1, January 14, Enoch to NoahGenesis 5:21-32


How old was Enoch when God took him?

How old was Methuselah when he died?

Who was Noah’s father?

Name Noah’s three sons.

Year 1, January 15, NoahGenesis 6:1-8


How long did the Lord say people would live?

What name was given to the giants, the mighty men of renown?

Why was the Lord sorry he had made man?

Who found favour in the eyes of the Lord?

Year 1, January 16, NoahGenesis 6:9-22


What pleased God about Noah?

What evil was the earth full of?

What did God tell Noah to build?

Who and what was Noah to take into the ark?

Year 1, January 17, NoahGenesis 7:1-5


How many pairs of clean animals did Noah take into the ark?

How many unclean animals?

How many days did he have to get the animals on board?

How many days did God say it would rain?

Year 1, January 18, NoahGenesis 7:6-16


How old was Noah when the flood came?

What else happened beside rain?

Which people came into the ark?

Who shut them in?

Year 1, January 19, NoahGenesis 7:17-24


How long did the flood continue?

How deep was the water over the highest mountains?

What did God blot out from the earth?

How long did the waters cover the earth?

Year 1, January 20, NoahGenesis 8:1-12


At the end of 150 days, where did the ark come to rest?

What was the first bird Noah sent out of the ark?

Which bird returned to Noah?

After seven days, what did the dove bring back?

Year 1, January 21, NoahGenesis 8:13-18


What year did Noah open the ark and find the earth dry?

What people came out of the ark?

What did God want the people and creatures to do on the earth?

What order did everything leave the ark?

Year 1, January 22, NoahGenesis 8:20-9:7


What did God smell when Noah made burnt offerings?

What did God say in his heart?

What did God give Noah?

Year 1, January 23, NoahGenesis 9:8-17


What did God say he would establish?

Was God’s covenant just with people?

What is the sign of God’s covenant?

What did God promise would never happen again?

Year 1, January 24, JobJob 1:1-12


Where did Job live?

How many sons and daughters did he have?

Why did Job offer sacrifices to God for his children?

Who was not happy about Job?

Year 1, January 25, JobJob 1:13-22


What did Job’s first messenger tell him?

What did the second messenger tell him?

What did the third messenger say?

What did Job do when he heard about his children?

Year 1, January 26, JobJob 2:1-10


What did God ask Satan about Job?

What did God tell Satan he must not do?

What happened to Job?

What did his wife tell him to do?

Year 1, January 27, JobJob 2:11-13


Who were Job’s friends?

What did his friends want to do?

What did they do when they saw him?

How long did they sit silent on the ground with him?

Year 1, January 28, JobJob 40:1-9


Is God happy when we argue with Him?

What did Job decide to do?

What did God order Job to do in verse 7?

What did God say about His arm and voice?

Year 1, January 29, JobJob 40:15-24


What large animal did God speak about first?

What metals are his bones and limbs like?

Where does he get his food?

Is he frightened by flooded rivers?

(You can also read about Leviathan in chapter 41.)

Year 1, January 30, JobJob 42:1-9


What did Job know God can do?

How did Job repent for arguing with God?

Who did God say was foolish and made Him angry?

Who prayed for them?

Year 1, January 31, JobJob 42:1-17


When did God restore the fortunes of Job?

What did Job’s family bring him?

How many sons and daughters did God give Job again?

How many more years did Job live?

Year 2, January - Gideon and Samson

Year 2, January 1, GideonJudges 6:11-14


Why was Gideon beating the wheat hidden in a winepress?

Who appeared to him?

What did Gideon think God had done?

What did the Lord tell Gideon to do?

Year 2, January 2, GideonJudges 6:15-18


What tribe did Gideon belong to?

Was his family important?

Who was Gideon to strike?

What did Gideon want to go and get?

Year 2, January 3, GideonJudges 6:19-24


What did Gideon prepare as a present for the angel?

Where did the angle tell him to put them?

How did the angel consume the offering?

What did Gideon call the altar he built?

Year 2, January 4, GideonJudges 6:25-27


What did the Lord tell Gideon to do that night?

What wood was he to use to offer the second bull?

How many men did he take with him?

Why did he do it at night?

Year 2, January 5, GideonJudges 6:28-32


What was broken down next morning?

What did the men of the town want to do to Gideon?

What did Gideon’s father Joash say about Baal?

What nickname did Gideon get that day?

Year 2, January 6, GideonJudges 6:36-40


What did Gideon put on the threshing floor?

How much water did Gideon wring from the fleece?

What sign did Gideon ask the second night?

What was on all the ground but not the fleece?

Year 2, January 7, GideonJudges 6:36-40


What did Gideon put on the threshing floor?

How much water did Gideon wring from the fleece?

What sign did Gideon ask the second night?

What was on all the ground but not the fleece?

Year 2, January 8, GideonJudges 7:1-3


Where did Israel’s army camp?

Where did the enemy Midian camp?

What did God say about the size of Gideon’s army?

How many people went home?

Year 2, January 9, GideonJudges 7:4-8


Was the army the right size now?

Where did Gideon take his army?

How did the 300 chosen men drink the water?

Where did Gideon send the men who drank on their knees?

Year 2, January 10, GideonJudges 7:9-14


What did God promise Gideon?

Who was to go with him first?

What dream did they overhear?

What did it mean?

Year 2, January 11, GideonJudges 7:15-18


What did Gideon do when he heard the dream and what it meant?

What did the 300 men take with them?

Who were they to copy?

What were they to shout?

Year 2, January 12, GideonJudges 7:18-23


What time of night did Gideon and his men come to the enemy camp?

What did they do?

What did the enemy army do to each other?

Who else chased the enemy?

Year 2, January 13, GideonJudges 7:24-25


How far did Gideon send messengers?

Which tribe was called out?

What waters did they capture?

Who did they capture?

Year 2, January 14, SamsonJudges 13:1-7


Why did the Lord give His people into the hand of the Philistines?

Whose wife did the angel appear to?

What was her son going to do for Israel?

How did Manoah’s wife describe the angel of the Lord?

Year 2, January 15, SamsonJudges 13:8-14


What did Manoah pray for?

What did the woman do when the angel came to her again?

What was Manoah’s wife to do before the baby was born?

Year 2, January 16, SamsonJudges 13:15-20


What did Manoah want to do for the angel?

What did Manoah not know?

Did the angel tell him His name?

How did the angel of the Lord leave them?

Year 2, January 17, SamsonJudges 13:21-25


What did Manoah think would happen because of the angel?

What did his wife think?

What was their baby called?

Who stirred Samson when he was a young man?

Year 2, January 18, SamsonJudges 14:1-3


What did Samson tell his parents to do?

What nation did the young woman come from?

What did they suggest instead?

Did Samson agree?

Year 2, January 19, SamsonJudges 14:4-9


Who ruled over Israel?

Who was in control even of this?

What did Samson meet in the vineyards near Timnah?

Some days later, what did he find in the carcass of the lion?

Did he tell his parents about killing the lion?

Year 2, January 20, SamsonJudges 14:10-14


What did the Philistine young men do for a wedding in those days?

How many companions did the people bring for Samson?

How long did they have to solve the riddle?

Did they solve it in three days?

Year 2, January 21, SamsonJudges 14:15-18


How did the young men threaten Samson’s wife?

What did she do?

When did he tell her the answer?

What was the answer?

Year 2, January 22, SamsonJudges 15:14-17


Who came on Samson?

Where did he go to get the 30 sets of clothes?

Where did he go then?

What happened to his wife?

Year 2, January 23, SamsonJudges 15:1-8


What did Samson take to his wife’s house?

What did her father offer him?

Where did Samson put 300 foxes with lighted torches in their tails?

What did the Philistines do the Samson’s wife and father-in-law?

Year 2, January 24, SamsonJudges 15:9-13


Why did the Philistines come to fight against Judah?

How many men of Israel went to get Samson in the cave?

What did Samson ask them not to do to him?

What did they do to Samson?

Year 2, January 25, SamsonJudges 15:14-17


Where did the Philistines meet him?

Who gave Samson strength?

What weapon did Samson use?

How many enemies did he kill?

Year 2, January 26, SamsonJudges 15:18-20


What did Samson need when he finished this killing?

What was he afraid would happen?

How did God answer his prayer?

How long did Samson judge Israel?

Year 2, January 27, SamsonJudges 16:4,18-22


Who did Samson fall in love with?

Who came when she called them?

How did Samson lose his strength?

What did the Philistines do to him?

Year 2, January 28, SamsonJudges 16:23-27


Who did the Philistines say had given Samson to them?

What did they want Samson to do?

Who led Samson?

How many people were there?

Year 2, January 29, SamsonJudges 16:28-31


Who did Samson call out to?

What did he hold on to?

What happened to the building?

Who buried Samson in his father’s tomb?

Year 2, January 30, Why Solomon Wrote ProverbsProverbs 1:1-7


What verbs (doing words) are important in verses 2 and 3?

What does wisdom give to the youth?

What is the beginning of wisdom?

What do fools despise?

Year 2, January 31, Fathers And SonsProverbs 1:8-16


Who does Solomon talk to in these verses?

What are the teachings of a father and mother like?

What sins do young people entice others to do?

Where do sinners’ feet run?